Sunday, May 16, 2010

In three days we leave for Alaska! We're packing the trailer and closing up the house. Maggie knows something is up, she keeps bouncing between Jim and I as we work on our respective to do lists. She's really an amazing dog. She's only known the 5th wheel trailer for three weeks but she's already picked the best spot for panoramic viewing, claimed her new sleeping spot, knows where the trash can is located, etc.  A wise woman told me recently that Basenji's make you better housekeepers (since they're into everything.) I think that will be especially true of the trailer. We are also installing a simple latch hook on the trailer's screen door so she can't "accidentally" push it open. Since we are constantly amazed at Maggie's ability to problem solve the latch may not be sufficient. I do know one thing, with so many windows in the trailer Maggie will be able to "bake" in the sun all day long. I told Maggie today she is about to become an international traveler, she didn't seem excited about it. Figure that Basenji cat like thing prevents her from showing too much enthusiasm (Heaven forbid she should behave like a dog!). Yesterday I tied a long string to one of Maggie's stuffed squirrel toys and threw it for her. Darn if she didn't chase it! Eventually she had an epiphany, realizing she had stooped to dog fun. Now she won't even look at the squirrel. Our friend Nancy has been trying to teach Maggie to shake. After watching the training demonstration today, I am not sure who is training who. Given enough treats, Maggie will allow Nancy to lift her paw. Of course Maggie wears an expression of complete contempt during the process. Life is interesting when you're owned by a Basenji


  1. OK, I created me a blog page just so I could talk to you guys...Really crappy luck with the PU...but look at it this way, while you are in the RV park you will have a nice clean rig to watch your 2 TV channels on...from the pictures it looks like you have already seen a lot with more to come...I don't even know if you can read this or not...let me know...Brother Bill

  2. It would seem to me (but what do I know) that anyone traveling in the Frozen North country might be able to find some really warm socks or foot covers..and might even find electric socks that plug into the cigerette lighter....Just a thought....if they don't have good weather socks check with good old WALMART....Brother Bill in 90* heat in Chico
